Turkey's Sustainability and Green Journey
In this section of the site, you can find the steps taken by the institutions and organizations that have a say in Turkey's sustainability and green journey, the legislation they published, the collaborations, important statistics and various events.
Kreafin Consulting Inc. It constantly reviews all publicly available resources on sustainability in Turkey and publishes it in this section of its website to raise awareness on international platforms.
Researchers, international organizations, investors and regulatory authorities can request detailed information about the developments in the relevant legislation in Turkey, current practices, the structure and areas of responsibility of regulatory and supervisory organizations, whenever they wish.
In addition, investors can contact us from the services section and request that the funds and products they invest in are audited for compliance with sustainability and green principles.

CBRT- Central Bank of the Republic of Türkiye
The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey is the institution mainly responsible for the management of monetary and exchange rate policies.

BRSA- Banking Regulation and Supervison of Agency
Banking Regulation and Supervison of Agency carries out the functions of regulation, supervision and enforcement within the aim of providing reliability and stability in financial markets, ensuring the efficient running of credit system, protecting rights and interests of savers and developing financial sector considers strategic planning as one of the main instruments to fulfill its duties effectively.
Click here for dedicated webpage for sustainable banking section on BRSA's website.
Sustainable Banking Strategy Plan (2022-2025)
Environmental and Social Sustainability in the Turkish Banking Sector
Sustainable Finance/Banking Presentation
Financing the Green Transformation - Presenting Risks and Opportunities
Physical Risks - Antalya Province Sample Analysis Study
Transition Risks - Border Carbon Regulation Mechanism Impact AnalysisFrame Text
Transition Risks - Border Carbon Regulation Mechanism Impact Analysis Impact Analysis
Guidance on Credit Allocation and Monitoring Processes - Environmental, Social and Governance Regulations
Sustainable Banking Survey
Green Asset Ratio (GAR) Guideline
Principles for the Effective Management and Supervision of Climate-Related Financial Risks

CMB- Capital Markets Board of Türkiye
The Board ensures the regulation and supervision of the capital market in order to ensure the functioning and development of the capital market in a reliable, transparent, efficient, stable, fair and competitive environment and to protect the rights and interests of investors.
Draft Communiqué on Principles Regarding Rating Activities and Rating Agencies in the Capital Markets - Sustainability Rating

KGK- Public Oversight Authority
The Public Oversight, Accounting and Auditing Standards Authority aims to set standards to ensure that financial reports are prepared and audited in accordance with international standards, and to realize an effective public oversight.
KGK is responsible for the implementation and dissemination of international reporting standards (IFRS) in Turkey.
Click here for dedicated webpage for sustainable banking section on KGK's website.

SEDDK- Insurance and Private Pension Regulation and Supervision Agency
To protect the rights and interests of the insured, participants and other persons and organizations in the sector, to establish a market order that will enable individuals and organizations to carry out their activities safely and effectively, to contribute to the development of financial markets in cooperation with domestic and foreign stakeholders, to achieve this mission. aims to establish an effective regulation and control system.

TURKSTAT- Turkish Statistical Institute
TurkStat is the official statistical institution of Turkey. TurkStat publishes statistics on sustainability and environment on the basis of Sustainable Development Goals through the web portal it has opened for use.

TBB- The Banks Association of Türkiye
TBB aims to support sustainable growth and social development by protecting the rights and interests of the financial sector, increasing competitiveness, preventing unfair competition, and contributing to the development of the banking profession, with an inclusive, investigative and innovative approach that is sensitive to the needs of stakeholders.
To reach TBB's studies on sustainability and selections from international publications.click here.​

TKBB- Participation Banks Association of Türkiye
The Participation Banks Association of Turkey (TKBB) is a professional organization in the nature of a public institution established by the relevant provision of the Banking Law.
The aim of the PBAT is to defend the rights and interests of participation banks in line with the banking regulations, principles and rules within the framework of free market economy and full competition principles, to work for the growth of the banking system, its healthy functioning and the development of the banking profession, to increase its competitiveness, and to create a competitive environment. and to take/ensure, implement and demand the implementation of necessary decisions for the prevention of unfair competition.

TSPB- Turkish Capital Markets Association
Turkish Capital Markets Association, çto create a mass of professionals who are equipped with the highest level of professional knowledge, adhere to ethical values, perceive competition as providing better quality products and services to investors, and attach importance to their dignity; It aims to develop the capital market and thus contribute to the development of the country.
KAP- Public Disclosure Platform
Public Disclosure Platform (PDP) is an electronic system through which electronically signed notifications required by the capital markets and Borsa Istanbul regulations are publicly disclosed.
You can find publicly traded company's "Compliance with Sustainability Principles" reports by this link. You must select "Sustainability Report" in the "Subject" field.

T.C. Ministry of Environment, Urbanism and Climate Change​
With the Presidential Decree No. 85 published in the Official Gazette dated October 29, 2021 and numbered 31643, the name of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization was changed to the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change.
Momentby the decree; The General Directorate of Combating Desertification and Erosion has been included among the central units of the Ministry, Meteorology General Directorate has been included among the affiliated organizations. The Climate Change Presidency was established as an affiliated institution of the Ministry.
Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change; It is structured to prepare legislation on settlement, environment and construction, to carry out urban transformation studies, to supervise implementations, to develop professional services, to prevent environmental pollution and to protect our environment and nature, and to combat the effects of climate change.
Türkiye Green Deal Action Plan (2021)

Directorate of Climate Change (DCC) was established as an affiliated institution of the Ministry of Environment, Urbanization and Climate Change with Presidential Decree No. 85 dated October 29, 2021.
It is responsible for determining policies, strategies, and actions at the national and international level, conducting negotiation processes, and ensuring coordination with institutions and organizations within the scope of Türkiye's climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts.
In line with Türkiye's 2053 net zero emission and green development goals, it is in charge of carrying out all kinds of work necessary for adaptation and mitigation and raising awareness of climate change with a human and nature-friendly approach to all segments of society.
Reports and Documents Published in the Scope of Adaptation to Climate Change
Türkiye PMIF Carbon Market Development Project
Since 2011, the two institutions that have been operating as the Ministry of Economy and the Ministry of Customs and Trade have been merged; The Ministry of Commerce was established with the Presidential Decree No. 1 published in the Official Gazette dated 10 July 2018 and numbered 30474.
T.C. Ministry of Commerce, in order to contribute to sustainable economic growth and social welfare; It aims to implement, implement and coordinate with an innovative and participatory approach by creating effective, fast and people-oriented trade and customs policies that will increase competitiveness and international economic and commercial cooperation, protect producers and consumers by supporting our exporters and entrepreneurs.
To access the section of the Ministry's website dedicated to the "Green Deal" click here.
Türkiye Green Deal Action Plan Annual Report (2022)
The Borsa Ä°stanbul (BIST) is the sole exchange entity of Turkey combining the former Istanbul Stock Exchange, the Istanbul Gold Exchange and the Derivatives Exchange of Turkey.
Borsa Istanbul Sustainability Guide for Companies (2020)