Environmental & Social Database
SMEs will not have to prepare and verify documents separately for each loan application. SMEs will be able to manage the process end-to-end digitally by processing their data into the Environmental and Social Management System Database
(ESMS-V), established within Kreafin, by granting access to the relevant institution in any loan application.
Ongoing projects
Our database projects on physical and transition risks for effective management of climate risks
Earthquake Risk Maps
Integrated earthquake risk databases in your lending and investment processes
Rule and Temperature Increase Risk Maps
Integrated drought and heat increase risk databases in your lending and investment processes
Flood and Flood Risks Maps
Integrated flood and flood risk databases in your lending and investment processes
Other Mass Movements Risk Map
Landslide and other soil movement risk databases in your lending and investment processes
Fire Risk Maps
Integrated forest fire risk database in your lending and investment processes
Transition Risks Maps
Sector-based transition risks databases in your lending and investment processes